The Infamous JavaScript

Javascript is a very special language, it's not like your average Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language, instead, it's actually a Prototype-Based Programming (PBP) language. PBP is a style of OOP in which classes are not explicitly defined but rather derived by adding properties and methods to an instance of another class or, less frequently, adding them to an empty object. Also, another reason that makes JS a pretty unique language is the fact that it was famously written in 10 days by a Netscape Communications Corporation programmer named Brendan Eich.
Before my cohort, even reached the point that we were supposed to learn JS I’ve been hearing how difficult and annoying JS is by some alumni. This kinda scared me to actually learn the language at first. So imagine my surprise when we actually get to the JS section and I end up really enjoy working with JS so much more than I did with ruby. The main reason that I probably prefer javascript over ruby is that in ruby functions are still considered methods and mostly everything in ruby is a method, while in javascript functions are king, almost everything revolves around functions in javascript. Also with javascript you able to manipulate the dom so this allows you to visually see the things that you are doing.
Unfortunately, javascript isn't all sunshine and rainbows. On My CarMeets project, I had multiple issues, most of them all had something to do with events. For example, I had an issue where I wanted to add an event for a delete button on a meetup, button the way I was going about things at first was to add the event on the individual button, this would’ve worked great if it was one meetup per page, but the way I designed my project was to be more like a feed of sorts. As you can tell I could not just use one event on a single button. After further research learned about bubbling in js. The quickest description of js bubbling is when you add an event on a parent element and from there make sure that when a button is clicked, the inner HTML should say “Delete”, for example, I have multiple meetups all inside a single div, so I add the event on that div and each meetup has a button that says “Delete”, whenever the button is pressed a fetch is sent out to the server to delete the meetup.
Overall, I'm super excited that I have finally started working, with js. I feel that it has opened a new door for me in my software engineering career and I will definitely have to go back and add js functionality to my older projects to make them 10 times better than they are now. Next step, more projects, and soon it will be time to learn the famous React JS.