Who would’ve Guessed it

Let’s just take a second to remember what we did back in high school and the type of person we were. For some of us, we tried our best to get the most excellent grades so that we can help build our future. We all remember that one kid that was just in high school to enjoy the ride, well that was me! Don’t get me wrong, I had an idea of what I was going to do with my future and that was becoming an automotive mechanic, which at the time I thought I was going to feel satisfied and fulfilled, but unfortunately, that was not the case at all.
I remember that I did not enjoy my days working anymore, I would just get up in the morning upset and go to sleep upset. Throughout the day I was always upset. This would continue until one day when I met a software engineer who later became a friend that I look up to. He was the one that made me realize that I still had a second chance to change my career. I always thought that I would have to go back to school until he said the words that opened a new door in my life, “ I Never Went to College at all.”
Hearing those words made me so motivated that I dedicated myself to taking the rest of that year to learn everything I could about coding. At first, it was confusing and difficult, but I never gave up. I thought I was not learning anything until I decided to build a small app in python, then I realized that with coding I will never stop learning. Every project will always be a new learning experience.
After multiple small projects, I decided that it was time to start getting ready for my new career. I researched the route that I wanted to take in my journey. At first, I thought I was going to work my way up to jr software developer at my job, but unfortunately, I started to realize that many people still doubted me there so I looked into boot camps and I found out about Flatiron school. After reading multiple alumni stories, I was excited to find out that my story was not unique that I wasn’t the only one that wanted to change their careers and also life.